Historic Cine Paris Reopens Under Cinobo’s Stewardship - iefimerida.gr

Historic Cine Paris Reopens Under Cinobo’s Stewardship

Historic Cine Paris
Historic Cine Paris Reopens Under Cinobo’s Stewardship

After a four-year hiatus, the iconic Cine Paris reopens its doors, a century after its inception, now under the stewardship of Greek streaming platform Cinobo.

The open-air cinema returns to host unforgettable cinematic experiences in one of Athens’ most enchanting atmospheres.

Located on the terrace of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation building, Cine Paris offers one of the finest views of the city.

Cinobo has undertaken the task of reviving the historic summer cinema and, after months of meticulous work, presents a fully renovated, upgraded.

The team’s goal was to remain true to the tradition and style of classic summer cinemas that are a hallmark of Athens.

The grand reopening is set for Saturday, May 11, with screenings of Jules Dassin’s “Never on Sunday” starring Melina Mercouri and Luca Guadagnino’s “The Opponents.”

Organisers say Cine Paris enters a new era with a carefully curated program that draws inspiration from the site’s history while aligning with contemporary relevance by selecting the best modern productions.

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