Heatwave Continues for 15th Day, Relief Expected from Tuesday - iefimerida.gr

Heatwave Continues for 15th Day, Relief Expected from Tuesday

 Heatwave continues; Temperature drop expected starting Tuesday
Heatwave continues; Temperature drop expected starting Tuesday

A heatwave continues to grip Greece for a 15th consecutive day on Monday, with high temperatures persisting across the country.

A gradual drop in temperature is expected starting on Tuesday, according to the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (EMY).

Monday's weather forecast predicts mostly clear skies nationwide. However, temporary clouds will appear in central and northern mainland regions during the afternoon, with possible local showers or isolated thunderstorms, especially in the mountainous areas of eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

Residents are advised to stay hydrated and take precautions against the heat as high temperatures continue.

Meanwhile, authorities have issued a fresh alert for wildfires.

A very high risk of wildfires – risk category 4– has been issued for Monday in parts of the Peloponnese and Western Greece regions.

These include regions Arcadia, Laconia, and Messinia as well as parts of Achaia and Elis

Authorities urge residents and visitors in these areas to be vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent fires.

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