Hatzidakis: Gov't looking into options to further tax cuts, within budget constraints - iefimerida.gr

Hatzidakis: Gov't looking into options to further tax cuts, within budget constraints

Κωστής Χατζηδάκης
Ο Κωστής Χατζηδάκης

Insurance companies can play a key role in the rise of retirement savings, managing the repercussions of climate change, and restraining the cost of health services, government vice-president Kostis Hatzidakis said on Tuesday, addressing the annual meeting of the Association of Greek Insurance Companies.

Hatzidakis also told insurers that the government is "examining the possibility of further tax relief, always within the framework of our fiscal policy."

The former economy minister also thanked insurance companies for their constructive role in their voluntary implementation of a code of ethics that allowed cancer survivors to be insured without prejudice. The government "recognizes the substantial contribution of insurance companies, which it considers allies in its effort to raise the Greek economy even higher," Hatzidakis said, adding that the government is committed to expanding the market of private insurance services and improving transparency and competitiveness.

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