Greek Wages Rise, Employment Grows -

Greek Wages Rise, Employment Grows

γραφειο εργαζομενοι
@ shutterstock

Greece's labor market showed positive signs in 2024, according to the annual ERGANI report.

The report highlighted wage increases, a growing workforce, and a narrowing employment gap between men and women.
The average salary reached €1,342, a 7.2% increase from €1,251 in 2023 and a 28.3% jump from €1,046 in 2019.

For the first time since ERGANI reporting began in 2013, the majority of workers (53.7%) earned more than €1,000 per month, compared to 46.3% in 2023 and 36.3% in 2019. Full-time employment rose to 76.4%, up 1.6% from 2023 and 7.2% from 2019.

The number of employed individuals increased by 93,312 from 2023, a 4.1% rise to 2,390,157 workers. The growth rate of employment positions doubled compared to 2022-2023.
The gender employment gap narrowed to 3.7 percentage points in 2024, down from 4.08 in 2023 and 6.74 in 2019.
Youth employment (ages 15-29) reached 469,634 in 2024, an increase of 12,137 workers (2.6%) from 2023 and 61,456 workers (15%) from 2019.

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