In a Greek village defying demographic decline, large families thrive amid challenges -

In a Greek village defying demographic decline, large families thrive amid challenges

Chrysomyli, the village that defeated under-generation
Chrysomyli, the village that defeated under-generation / SKAI / Glomex

While Greece faces a declining birthrate, the village of Chrysomyli near Kalambaka is a vibrant exception, with nearly 80% of families having multiple children.

But inadequate infrastructure, particularly roads damaged by storms, threatens the village's future.

A report by the Greek television program Opou Yparchei Ellada on SKAI highlighted the challenges facing this otherwise thriving community. Residents spoke about the difficulties posed by the poor condition of the mountain roads, which complicates daily life and makes travel to nearby towns like Kalambaka and Trikala arduous. Many fear that if the situation doesn't improve, young couples will be discouraged from settling in the area, jeopardizing the village's continued growth.

A local schoolteacher said the village’s elementary school has 33 students and the kindergarten has nine. However, road damage caused by Storm Daniel has nearly doubled commute times.

Despite these obstacles, Chrysomyli remains full of life, with a bustling school and a strong sense of community. Residents hope authorities will address their concerns to ensure the village continues to thrive.

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