Greek-Turkish Joint Economic Committee to meet on Monday -

Greek-Turkish Joint Economic Committee to meet on Monday

Ελληνική και τουρκική σημαία
Ελληνική και τουρκική σημαία : Giannis Panagopoulos / EUROKINISSI

The Greek-Turkish Joint Economic Committee will meet in Athens on Monday, January 24.

The proceedings will conclude with the signing of a Protocol by Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Openness Kostas Fragogiannis and Turkish Deputy Commerce Minister Mustafa Tuzcu.

This is the 5th Meeting of the Committee, which was established in 2000, in the framework of the Greece-Turkey Economic Cooperation Agreement and is reactivated 11 years after its last meeting, in October 2010.

The start of the Committee's session will be addressed by Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias and the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, Mehmet Nuri Ersoy.

The agenda of the talks, according to diplomatic sources, includes the strengthening of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in the economically critical sectors of energy, transport (road, rail, sea, air), tourism, research in the agri-food sector, and technology, with the aim of expanding and further increasing bilateral trade and encouraging more investment.

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