Greek Tourism Sets New Records in 2024 -

Greek Tourism Sets New Records in 2024

Στο Μουσείο Ακρόπολης
Στο Μουσείο Ακρόπολης / Aris Oikonomou/ SOOC

Greece's tourism industry reached new heights in 2024, setting records for both visitor numbers and revenue.

The Bank of Greece reported that the country welcomed 36 million international travelers, a 9.8% increase compared to 2023.

Tourism revenue also rose significantly, reaching €21.7 billion ($23 billion), a 5.4% increase from the previous year.

The growth in revenue came despite a decline in spending by French tourists, which analysts attributed to the 2024 Paris Olympics. However, revenue from American tourists surged by 15.1%.

December 2024 was also a strong month for tourism, with inbound travel surpassing 882,000 visitors, a 15.3% increase compared to December 2023.

Revenue for the month soared by 33.3%, reaching €435 million ($461 million).

The Bank of Greece also noted a gradual decline in per-trip spending, a trend attributed to the growing popularity of shorter stays.

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