Greek railway unions announce nationwide strike -

Greek railway unions announce nationwide strike

Προαστιακός Σιδηρόδρομος

Railway unions in Greece have announced a 24-hour nationwide strike on Thursday, September 26th, to protest the ongoing issues plaguing the country's railway system.

The unions are demanding immediate hiring of new staff, replacement of outdated rolling stock, completion of infrastructure projects, and improvements in transportation safety.

The strike comes in response to the devastating Tempi train collision in February 2023, which claimed the lives of 57 people. The incident highlighted the long-standing problems faced by railway workers and the neglect of the railway system by the state.

Unions representing employees of the private operator Hellenic Train have temporarily suspended their industrial action to allow the new management time to address safety concerns. However, they emphasize that the government has acknowledged significant delays in railway projects and systems related to passenger and goods transport.

The state-run Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) continues to oversee the railway network, stations, and operations. Meanwhile, the state-run Ergose organization manages railroad-related infrastructure projects. Hellenic Train, a private operator, acquired the previously state-run Trainose.

The Tempi train collision, attributed to human error, has led to increased scrutiny of the railway system and calls for urgent reforms to ensure the safety of passengers and workers.

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