Greece’s ruling New Democracy party maintains an 11.6-point lead over Pasok, while the newly formed Plefsi Eleftherias (Course of Freedom) party has surged into third place, according to a recent Alco poll.
The poll indicates a strong desire for change among voters, with 66% favoring a different government if elections were held today.
New Democracy’s support declined slightly to 23.3%, while Pasok dropped to 11.7%. Plefsi Eleftherias (Course of Freedom nearly doubled its share, rising to 10.3%.
The poll shows Plefsi Eleftherias (Course of Freedom) gaining traction among former left-wing voters, drawing support from those who abstained in the last election and from former Syriza and MeRA25 supporters.
Public sentiment also leans towards coalition governments, with 54% of respondents believing they provide the best political stability.