Greek police clears man of suspected terrorist act on Emirates airlines flight -

Greek police clears man of suspected terrorist act on Emirates airlines flight

El. Venizelos airport, Emirates airplane forced landing
El. Venizelos airport, Emirates airplane forced landing -Φωτογραφία: Stringer / SOOC

A man who was under suspicion of planning terrorist acts on board of one of two Emirates flights on Thursday night was cleared by Greek authorities, Greek police said on Friday.

Late on Thursday night, two Emirates Flights were forced to return to Athens International Airport after information from abroad that a man planning a terrorist act was on board one of them. A flight heading to Dubai and another to New York were ordered to return to Athens and passengers to undergo detailed checking with their luggage before resuming their trips.

"Following detailed and substantiated research by relevant services of the Hellenic Police, nothing criminal resulted against a certain person who, according to information, was a passenger on one of two flights of a well-known airline and had been tagged as suspicious," the police said.

According to information, the so-called suspicious subject was a Turkish man of Arab extraction, 35, who has been granted asylum and lives legally in Greece, without having caused concern to authorities.

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