Greek Parliament Launches Inquiry into Tempe Train Disaster -

Greek Parliament Launches Inquiry into Tempe Train Disaster

Εύβοια, Χρήστος Τριαντόπουλος
Christos Triantopoulos © EUROKINISSI

The Greek Parliament has voted to establish an investigative committee to examine the actions of former Deputy Minister Christos Triantopoulos in connection with the Tempe train tragedy.

The committee will investigate whether Mr. Triantopoulos breached his duties during the response to the February 2023 train collision, which claimed 57 lives.

The motion passed with 277 votes in favor, with support from both the governing majority and opposition parties.

Mr. Triantopoulos has denied any wrongdoing, stating that his role was limited to coordinating state aid and did not include oversight of civil protection.

The opposition has called for a broader inquiry, suggesting that other political figures involved in the tragedy could also face scrutiny.

The debate surrounding the committee's formation highlights the ongoing political fallout from the Tempe disaster, which has sparked widespread public outrage and calls for accountability.

The establishment of the committee marks a significant step in the ongoing investigation into the Tempe tragedy, which has deeply shaken public trust in Greece’s political and administrative systems.

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