Greek migration minister attends EU Justice & Home Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg -

Greek migration minister attends EU Justice & Home Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg

Ο υπουργός Μεταναστευτικής Πολιτικής Δημήτρης Καιρίδης
Ο υπουργός Μεταναστευτικής Πολιτικής, Δημήτρης Καιρίδης

Greek Migration & Asulum Minister Dimitris Kairidis participated on Thursday in the Justice & Home Affairs Council meeting that is being held in Luxembourg on October 19-20.

The Greek minister expressed concern over developments in the Middle East and the risk of a broader destabilization, noted the Greek ministry in an announcement.

He also referred to the necessity of geostrategic vigilance in Europe. Among other issues in his intervention at the Council, Kairidis also mentioned the diplomatic effort to revitalize the 2016 EU-Turkey Joint Declaration on tackling illegal migration in the Eastern Mediterranean.

In bilateral meetings with several of his European counterparts, Kairidis underlined Greece's migration policy as one that focuses on border protection, returns of unsuccessful asylum applicants and the eradication of illegal migration, added the ministry.

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