Greek Inflation Eases to 2.4% in October Amid Slower Food Price Increases -

Greek Inflation Eases to 2.4% in October Amid Slower Food Price Increases

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Intime News

Greece’s inflation rate fell to 2.4% in October, down from 2.9% in September, driven by a noticeable slowdown in food price growth, according to the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT).

Food prices saw a modest increase of 1.5% on an annual basis compared to a 3.2% rise in September, with notable decreases in the cost of flour, cereals, pasta, dairy, fruit, and coffee.

In contrast, housing costs continued to rise, registering a 3% increase primarily due to higher rents (+6.5%), electricity (+12.9%), and natural gas (+10.2%). ELSTAT’s comparison of October 2024 to October 2023 showed an inflation rate increase of 2.4%, a marked decline from the 3.4% rise seen when comparing October 2023 to October 2022

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