Greek Football Legend Takis Ikonomopoulos Dies at 82 -

Greek Football Legend Takis Ikonomopoulos Dies at 82

Greek Football Legend Takis Ikonomopoulos Dies at 82
Greek Football Legend Takis Ikonomopoulos Dies at 82

Greek football is mourning the loss of legendary goalkeeper Takis Ikonomopoulos, who died Monday night at the age of 82.

Mr. Ikonomopoulos had been hospitalized in intensive care since early February after suffering a stroke. He was widely regarded as one of the greatest goalkeepers in Greek football history, known for his 13-year career with Panathinaikos.

His death comes just days after the passing of another football great and former teammate, Mimis Domazos.

Mr. Ikonomopoulos played for Panathinaikos in the historic 1971 European Cup final against Ajax. Nicknamed "The Bird" for his spectacular saves, he was included in the all-time best XI of Greek football by the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS).

"The Panathinaikos family bids a sorrowful farewell to Takis Ikonomopoulos," the club said in a statement, praising his long and illustrious career.

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