Greek Film "The Murderess" Selected for Oscar Consideration -

Greek Film "The Murderess" Selected for Oscar Consideration

Greek Film "The Murderess" Selected for Oscar Consideration
Greek Film "The Murderess" Selected for Oscar Consideration

The Greek Ministry of Culture has announced that the film "The Murderess" by Eva Nathena has been selected to represent Greece at the 97th Academy Awards. The film, set on a dystopian Greek island in the early 1900s, follows the story of a widow who navigates a patriarchal society and commits a series of murders.

The selection committee praised the film for its powerful narrative, complex characters, and exploration of timely themes. "The Murderess" is expected to bring a strong and poignant voice from Greece to the global stage.

The film's director, Eva Nathena, expressed her gratitude for the selection and said she was honoured to have the opportunity to represent her country. "I hope that this film will resonate with audiences around the world and spark important conversations about gender equality and social justice," she stated.

The Academy Awards ceremony will take place on March 10, 2025.

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