Greek Coast Guard Pursuit Leads to Turkish Intervention -

Greek Coast Guard Pursuit Leads to Turkish Intervention

Σκάφος του Λιμενικού
Φωτογραφία: Λιμενικό

A high-stakes chase involving the Greek and Turkish Coast Guards has unfolded in the Aegean Sea, according to authorities,

The incident began when Greek authorities spotted an inflatable boat carrying a suspected migrant smuggler within Greek territorial waters.

As the Greek vessel pursued the inflatable, the operators of the boat turned and headed back towards the Turkish coast.

The chase escalated when it crossed into Turkish waters, prompting local citizens to capture the event on their mobile phones. The incident quickly gained attention in Turkey, and shortly after entering Turkish territory, the Greek Coast Guard withdrew from the area.

Turkish citizens who witnessed the chase reported the incident to local authorities, prompting a response from the Turkish Coast Guard. In a subsequent statement, the Turkish Coast Guard confirmed that they had dispatched two vessels to the scene after receiving a report that the inflatable boat had landed on the shore of Bodrum Akyarlar Meteor Bay and that the smuggler had fled into nearby woods.

The incident highlights the ongoing tensions and challenges between Greece and Turkey over the handling of migrant smuggling and border enforcement in the Aegean Sea region. Both countries have accused each other of mishandling migration issues and violating international law.

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