Greek actor Danis Katranidis dies -

Greek actor Danis Katranidis dies

Δάνης Κατρανίδης
Ο Δάνης Κατρανίδης / Φωτογραφία αρχείου από NDP

Greek actor Danis Katranidis died on Sunday at the age of 75.

Danis Katranidis was born on August 4, 1949 in Egaleo. In 1971 he graduated from the Drama School of Athens "Giorgos Theodosiadis" and between 1971-1978 he was an actor of the National Theatre.

He performed in all kinds of theater, from tragedy and comedy to musicals and revues, while his participation in radio theater was highly noteworthy. He taught at the Higher Drama School "Iasmos" and at the Theater Workshop "Vassilis Diamantopoulos".

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