Greece's Second-Largest Refinery Hit by Fire -

Greece's Second-Largest Refinery Hit by Fire

Greece's Second-Largest Refinery Hit by Fire
Greece's Second-Largest Refinery Hit by Fire

A major fire broke out at Motor Oil's southern refinery in Agioi Theodoroi, resulting in injuries to three workers and the evacuation of personnel.

The company announced that the situation is improving but that the cause of the fire remains unknown.

Three workers from a contracting company sustained minor injuries and were transferred to a local hospital for treatment.

The Greek ambulance service, EKAV, reported that a worker suffered minor burns and three others were treated for minor abrasions at the scene. Initial reports suggest the fire may have been caused by an explosion during work at the old refineries.

The Governor of the Peloponnese, Dimitris Ptochos, reassured the public that there is no risk of toxic gas release. Anastasios Giolis, deputy governor of Corinth, confirmed that the fire is contained to a section of the facility that processes mazut.

Motor Oil's technical team is working to control the situation, and firefighters are on the scene to assist.

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