Greece to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Moldova and Slovakia -

Greece to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Moldova and Slovakia

anthropistiki voithia
Αποστολή ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας στην Ουκρανία / EUROKINISSI

Greece is to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine as well as its neighbouring countries, Moldova and Slovakia, following a request from the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

Specifically, trucks will immediately leave for Ukraine, Moldova and Slovakia carrying health aid and supplies, as well as equipment to help house the refugees.

Specifically, the Climate Change and Civil Protection Ministry, in collaboration with the Health Ministry, will send health supplies and equipment to Ukraine and tents, blankets, and waterproof clothing to Slovakia and Moldova.

Additionally, the ministry is liaising with the foreign ministry and the migration ministry crises management unit to host Ukrainians in Greece, if necessary.

Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Christos Stylianides is in constant communication with the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crises Management Janez Lenarčič for the best possible coordination of the ministry's actions and the immediate response to the mechanism's requests.

Finally, Stylianides is also in close contact with his other European counterparts.

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