Greece Sees Rise in Olive Oil Tourism as Global Interest Grows -

Greece Sees Rise in Olive Oil Tourism as Global Interest Grows

olive oil
© Shutterstock

Greece is experiencing a surge in olive oil tourism, as travellers increasingly seek immersive experiences centred around the iconic Mediterranean product.

Activities such as olive oil tastings, guided tours of ancient olive groves, and workshops on traditional production methods are attracting visitors from around the world.

Greece's rich history of olive cultivation, dating back thousands of years, combined with its diverse olive varieties and renowned culinary traditions, make it a prime destination for olive oil tourism, or else oleotourism that allow traveller to explore picturesque olive groves, visit traditional olive mills, participate in harvesting activities, and indulge in gourmet meals prepared with locally produced olive oil.

The growing interest in olive oil tourism aligns with a broader trend of travellers seeking authentic experiences that connect them with local cultures, traditions, and landscapes.

Industry officials say that demand for high-quality olive oil continues to rise, Greece's oleotourism industry is poised for further growth, offering opportunities for local communities and promoting sustainable tourism practices.

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