Greece Remains a Top Destination for Key European Tourists -

Greece Remains a Top Destination for Key European Tourists

Τουρίστες στην Ακρόπολη
Τουρίστες στην Ακρόπολη / Φωτογραφία: AP Photo

Greece continues to be a favored destination for tourists from key European markets, according to data from the Bank of Greece.

In 2024, Greece held its position in the top five for German and French travelers, ranking 3rd and 4th respectively. British tourists also ranked Greece as their 5th favorite destination, though this represents a drop of two spots from the previous year.

These three countries – Germany, France, and the UK – account for a significant portion of Greece's tourism revenue.

A new study by the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE) confirms these trends, highlighting that Spain and Italy remain the top competitors for attracting European travelers.

The study, which surveyed travelers about their preferred destinations for the next 12 months, found that Greece consistently ranks high, particularly among German tourists.

Factors like convenient road access play a role in destination choices, particularly for those traveling from neighboring countries.

While Spain and Italy remain strong competitors, Greece's continued popularity in these key markets underscores its enduring appeal as a top Mediterranean destination.

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