Greece Launches "mystreet" App for Public Space Violations -

Greece Launches "mystreet" App for Public Space Violations

Τραπέζια και καρέκλες
Credit: Giannis Panagopoulos/EUROKINISSI

The Greek Parliament has introduced a new digital application, "mystreet," designed to empower citizens to report unauthorized use of public spaces directly to authorities.

Developed by the Ministry of Digital Governance, the free app will allow smartphone and tablet users to access real-time information on public space permits via an interactive map and submit complaints regarding violations.

In conjunction with the app, the ministry is launching a "Public Space Use Permit Registry" on the government’s digital portal ( Managed by the General Secretariat for Information Systems and Digital Governance, this system will enable municipalities to track and regulate businesses’ legal use of public spaces. Officials will be able to detect unauthorized expansions based on citizen reports or inspections.

The "mystreet" initiative is part of broader legislation aimed at enhancing interoperability in the public sector, advancing digital transformation, and fostering technological investments.

The bill aligns with EU Regulation 2024/903 on public sector interoperability, designating the General Secretariat as Greece’s national authority for implementation.

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