Greece on high alert for wildfires amidst extreme heat -

Greece on high alert for wildfires amidst extreme heat

Fire brigade vehicle
Fire brigade vehicle / EUROKINISSI

The General Secretariat of Civil Protection has issued a high alert for wildfires across Greece, particularly in the An. Macedonia-Thrace region. 

Citizens are urged to exercise extreme caution and avoid activities that could spark fires in rural areas.

The Fire Brigade has increased its operational readiness, with aerial surveillance and ground patrols by fire, police, and military forces. Additionally, personnel in high-risk areas remain on partial alert.

Authorities are advising against any activities that could cause fires, such as burning debris, using machinery that generates sparks, outdoor barbecues, and discarding lit cigarettes.

Meantime, wildfires in Corinthia continue to rage. Wildfire Rages in Corinthia

A wildfire sparked Thursday in a forest area in Stimanga, remains unchecked. 

Settlements in the area have not been threatened. There are now 140 firefighters, 45 vehicles, 6 hiking sections, 11 aircraft, and 5 helicopters battling the blaze.

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