Skrekas: Greece can handle potential natural gas supply cut-off from Russia -

Skrekas: Greece can handle potential natural gas supply cut-off from Russia

Κώστας Σκρέκας συνάντηση Μαργκρέτε Βεστάγκερ

Environmnent & Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas chaired an emergency meeting of the Crises Management Group on Monday to evaluate the sufficiency of natural gas reserves in Greece should Russia cut off its supply.

The minister noted that Greece "faces one of the lowest risks in Europe in terms of supply sufficiency, provided that liquefied natural gas (LNG) is available."

However, "we are systematically preparing to ensure the country's energy sufficiency, considering even the most unfavorable scenarios."

According to the information presented at the meeting by the energy ministry, Greece has the ability to cope effectively with a potential reduction in the supply of natural gas from Russia.

Participants in the meeting included representatives of the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), the Public Power Corporation (PPC), the National Natural Gas System Operator (DESFA), the Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO), the Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA), Elpedison, Heron and Protergia. The general secretary for energy and raw mineral materials, Αlexandra Sdoukou, the general secretary for fiscal policy, Athanassios Petralias, and the advisor to the prime minister's office for energy issues Nikolaos Tsafos also attended.

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