Greece faces 62 wildfires in 24 hours -

Greece faces 62 wildfires in 24 hours

canadair 515
Ένα Canadair 515 / Πηγή:

A total of 62 wildfires have erupted across Greece in the last 24 hours. According to the Fire Service, the primary cause of these fires has been intense lightning activity in various regions. Out of these, 44 fires were promptly contained, while firefighting forces are still battling eighteen.

Reports from the Fire Service indicate that between 1:00 PM and 5:30 PM on Tuesday, 39 wildfires broke out due to severe lightning in different parts of the country.

Aerial firefighting units are actively working to combat wildfires in the regions of Elassona, Skafi Kozani, Delphi, Vlacherna Arcadia, Thasos island, Karpenisi and five different locations in Corinth.

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