Greece Bucks European Trend with Growing Investment Appeal -

Greece Bucks European Trend with Growing Investment Appeal

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Credit: Shutterstock

Despite a decline in foreign direct investment across Europe, Greece continues to attract international investors, according to a new survey by EY Greece.

The survey found that 51% of foreign executives plan to expand or develop their operations in Greece within the next year, with 69% believing the country's investment appeal will further improve over the next three years.

The positive outlook is supported by data from the EY European Investment Monitor, which shows Greece attracting 50 FDI projects in 2023, an increase from the previous year. Notably, there's a growing focus on high-value sectors like software, IT services, professional services, and transport and logistics.

The survey, conducted among 250 executives from foreign companies, reveals a significant increase in the intention to invest in Greece compared to previous years. This trend is particularly strong among large companies and those already operating in the country.

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