Greece Braces for 20-Degree Temperature Plunge, Snow Possible -

Greece Braces for 20-Degree Temperature Plunge, Snow Possible

Χιόνια στην Πάρνηθα
Χιόνια στην Πάρνηθα /Φωτογραφία: Nick Paleologos / SOOC

Greece will experience a sharp 20-degree Celsius temperature drop starting Tuesday, following a weekend of unseasonably warm weather, meteorologist Giorgos Tsatrafyllias warned.

The coldest day is expected to be Wednesday, with temperatures in Athens falling to 8 degrees Celsius. Northern and central regions could see snowfall at lower altitudes.

“A Ukrainian cold front lasting over 90 hours will send temperatures plunging by 20 degrees,” Mr. Tsatrafyllias said. “Polar air masses from Ukraine and Poland will impact Greece from Monday through Friday.”

Forecasted highs include 8°C in Athens, 7°C in Thessaloniki, 10°C in Patras, and 12°C in Heraklion.

Snow is expected in mountainous areas and potentially at lower elevations in central and northern Greece on Tuesday and Wednesday. Strong northerly winds will also impact the region.

The sudden shift marks a dramatic end to the warm spell, with residents urged to prepare for winter-like conditions.

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