Greece to auction 10-year GGB 3.375% bonds -

Greece to auction 10-year GGB 3.375% bonds

ελληνικό ομόλογο
© Shutterstock

Greece will auction the re-opening of the GGB 3.375% bond on September 18 with a maturity date of June 15, 2034, in book entry form, ISIN GR0124040743.

This auction aims to meet investor demand and facilitate secondary market operations.

The total amount to be auctioned is up to 250 million euros, with a settlement date of September 25 (T+5).

Only Primary Dealers (PDs) are eligible to participate, with up to 5 competitive bids each to be submitted through the Electronic Trading System (HDAT) by 12:00 PM local time on September 18.

Competitive bids will be accepted up to the auctioned amount and allocated at the last bid accepted (cut-off price).

The auction will be considered in the evaluation of PDs. No commission will be paid for the bonds auctioned.

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