Greece Announces New Deterrence Doctrine, Focus on Military Personnel -

Greece Announces New Deterrence Doctrine, Focus on Military Personnel

Ο Νίκος Δένδιας στο υπουργείο Άμυνας
Νίκος Δένδιας / Φωτογραφία: INTIME NEWS

Greek Defense Minister Nikos Dendias announced a new deterrence doctrine aimed at addressing the demographic and numerical gap between Greece and potential threats.

In a social media post, Mr. Dendias said reforms are being implemented across all defense sectors based on the new doctrine.

He emphasized the need to improve conditions for Armed Forces personnel, stating, “The Armed Forces must be able to attract the best of the Greeks.”

Mr. Dendias highlighted a program to provide 1,000 new homes per year for military personnel until 2030, but stressed the need to reevaluate core compensation.

The announcement signals the government's effort to modernize defense capabilities and support military personnel.

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