Greece announces emergency work stoppages amid heatwave -

Greece announces emergency work stoppages amid heatwave

Heatwave in Greece
Heatwave in Greece / EUROKINISSI

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has issued emergency measures to protect private sector workers from the extreme heat expected this week.

From Tuesday to Friday all manual labour in outdoor settings will be halted during the hottest hours of the day, typically from 12:00 to 17:00.

This mandatory work stoppage will initially apply to regions where temperatures are predicted to reach or exceed 40°C, including Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, Central Greece, Thessaly, and the Peloponnese.

By Wednesday, the measure will extend nationwide for all outdoor work exceeding 40°C. Special provisions apply to shipbuilding zones and delivery services.

The Ministry also encourages remote work where possible and allows employers to adjust work hours without prior registration.

Non-compliance with these measures will result in fines. These actions are taken to protect worker health and safety during the heatwave.

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