Greece reports 2.831 new Covid cases -662 on ventilators and 91 deaths -

Greece reports 2.831 new Covid cases -662 on ventilators and 91 deaths

κόσμος περπατά στην Ερμού
AP Photo/Yorgos Karahalis

Greece on Sunday reported 2,831 confirmed new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, of which 11 were intercepted during checks at the country's borders. The total number of Covid-19 patients on ventilators was 662 in the same period, while there were 91 deaths attributed to the disease.

With the new cases, the total number of Covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic rose to 1,034,070 (daily rate of change 0.3 pct), of which 50.5 pct were men. Based on the confirmed cases of the last seven days, 200 were linked to travel abroad and 3,071 were related to another known case.

The number of deaths since the start of the pandemic has risen to 19,891, while 95.3 pct of patients that died had either an underlying condition and/or were 70-plus years old. The median age of those dying from Covid-19 was 78 years old (from 0.2 to 106 years old).

Of the patients needing respiratory support, 60.9 pct were men and their median age was 64 years old. In this group, 80.8 pct had an underlying disease and/or were aged 70-plus years old. Among the patients on ventilators, 545 (82.33 pct) were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and 117 (17.67 pct) were fully vaccinated. Since the start of the pandemic, a total of 3,666 patients had been discharged from ICUs.

There were 359 admissions of new Covid-19 cases to hospitals in Greece in the last 24 hours (daily change 8.13 pct), while the average daily admissions in the past seven days were 346 patients. The median age of new cases was 38 years old.

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