Gerapetritis' Meetings in Congress: Bipartisan support for Greek-American relations -

Gerapetritis' Meetings in Congress: Bipartisan support for Greek-American relations

George Gerapetritis and Bryan Mast
George Gerapetritis and Bryan Mast

The strengthening of bilateral relations between Greece and the United States was on the focus of the contacts held by Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis in Washington.

Gerapetritis on Wednesday met with Republican Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Jim Reese, and Democratic Leader Jean Shaheen. In addition, he visited with Republican Rep. Brian Mast, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks.

Discussions focused on promoting Greece as an investment destination and highlighting its geopolitical role as a strategic energy hub in the Eastern Mediterranean. Particular reference was made to Greece's role as a reliable partner of the US in Southeastern Europe and the Middle East.

In this context, the US lawmakers were briefed on the recent tour of the Middle East by George Gerapetris as well as his visit to Syria. Gerapetritis will continue his meeting in Washington on Thursday, where he will meet with Senators and members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chris Van Hollen and Cory Booker.

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