Gerapetritis after meeting with Guterres: We seek a solution for Ukraine in line with international law -

Gerapetritis after meeting with Guterres: We seek a solution for Ukraine in line with international law

George Gerapetritis
George Gerapetritis /Credis: Eurokinissi

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis after his meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in a statement to Greek correspondents that it is an important moment for Greece, its first presence in the UN Security Council as an elected member, in an extremely difficult and complex time for the whole of humanity.


He referred to the issues discussed in the Security Council, such as the issue of Ukraine, on which Greece seeks a solution in line with international law and developments in the Middle East.

Regarding his meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, he said that they discussed the Cyprus issue at length as well as organisational and structural issues of the UN, in view of the Greek Presidency of the Security Council in May.

He said they also discussed the developments in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as armed conflicts and major crises for which the UN offers essential services.

"Greece is the country which upholds international law. It is the country that talks to everyone. It is the bridge between East and West, North and South. And we will remain at the forefront of international events to offer our services, but also to strengthen our country's footprint," Gerapetritis said.

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