"Future Thinking Dialogues", an AmCham event, opens in Thessaloniki - iefimerida.gr

"Future Thinking Dialogues", an AmCham event, opens in Thessaloniki

White Tower, the emblem of Thessaloniki
White Tower, the emblem of Thessaloniki / credits: eurokinissi

The second Thessaloniki Future Thinking Dialogues (TFTD) forum, held by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce's (AmCham), opened at the MET Hotel in Thessaloniki on Monday.

Held over two days, this second TFTD is in hybrid format and dedicated to "Education Interoperability: Connecting the dots".

The event serves as a platform of open discussion, dialogue and exchange of views and proposals on vital issues concerning business, economic and educational ecosystems through an innovative yet fundamental approach with a look into the future and what it holds.

Describing the event's role, AmCham said that Thesssaloniki's recent development into a dynamic innovation ecosystem has attracted major multinational investments interested in the city's competitive advantages, such as several leading academic institutions and research centers, a large pool of young and talented graduates with strong foreign language skills combined with a good quality of life, rich history, cosmopolitan heritage and a vibrant, extrovert society.

"We are living in an era where, rapid changes taking place in our world, are shaping an environment with different demands and orientations that is under constant customization," the organizers said.

"These changes raise concerns in a society constantly seeking and shaping new models and practices of education and training to respond to future challenges. As such, education, employment, and training systems must anticipate and adjust to ongoing changes in our economies and societies that affect skills demand in present and future."

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