Fredi Beleri give permission to be sworn in as MEP -

Fredi Beleri give permission to be sworn in as MEP

Ο Φρέντης Μπελέρης
Ο Φρέντης Μπελέρης

Fredi Beleri has received approval from Albanian authorities to be sworn in as a Euriopean parliamentarian.

Mr. Beleri will be sworn in today, according to

The approval process required Beleri to provide comprehensive details, including guarantees for his transportation, submission of his round-trip ticket, and confirmation of his accommodation arrangements to prison authorities in Albania.

Mr. Beleri's case has attracted considerable attention due to his current imprisonment.

The Directorate of Prisons in ALbania imposed several conditions for his temporary release, causing delays in the final decision. The authorities said they required complete assurance of his travel and stay plans to ensure all criteria were met.

If Beleri is required to stay in Strasbourg beyond the approved period due to unforeseen circumstances, he must officially inform all relevant institutions, including local authorities in Brussels.

Media in Albania have reported that Mr. Beleri will travel alone, without any accompanying prison staff.

The clearance by authorities affords a major step in Mr. Beleri's political journey as he prepares to fulfil his duties as an MEP.

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