FM Gerapetritis from Riga: Europe cannot achieve autonomy without energy independence -

FM Gerapetritis from Riga: Europe cannot achieve autonomy without energy independence

Ο Γιώργος Γεραπετρίτης
George Gerapetritis /Credits: intimenews

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis met with Latvian counterpart Baiba Braze in Riga. In his statements he stressed that there can be no autonomy in Europe without energy security and added that it is vital for Europe to develop methods of energy diversification.

He also stressed that Greece and Latvia agreed to develop continuous communication as they have a common understanding on bilateral, regional, and international issues. Gerapetritis underlined that the "Russian aggression in Ukraine" and the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East should be jointly addressed. He also said that Greece, as a member of the UN Security Council for the 2025-2026 term, echoes Latvia's voice at the UN.

He wished his counterpart good luck for Latvia's candidacy next year. Regarding the possible revision of the UN decision-making process, Gerapetritis advocated for a review of the veto.

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