FM Gerapetritis outlines six priorities of Greece as UN Security Council member -

FM Gerapetritis outlines six priorities of Greece as UN Security Council member

Γιώργος Γεραπετρίτης
Γιώργος Γεραπετρίτης

Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapatritis, following Greece’s election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council stressed, “Today is a historic day for Greece, for Greece's imprint in the world.”

Gerapatritis emphasized, "It is a great success. 182 of a total of 188 states that voted, voted largely in favor of Greece's candidacy. This proves the important capital that Greece has in the world, in the international environment, and in international organizations.”

He also outlined Greece's six priorities as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, which include: “Peaceful settlement of disputes; respect for international law and the rules and principles of the United Nations Charter; maritime security; the implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda; climate change and security; and the protection of the rights of children in armed conflict.”

Gerapatritis noted that the time of responsibility begins as Greece becomes the joint producer of international policy at a time when there are huge challenges around, including large wars and important challenges. Greece's foreign policy priority for its two-year term on the Security Council is the unwavering observance of international law.

The Greek FM said, “I want to say that Greece’s participation in the United Nations Security Council will be the epitome of the participation of our country in international events. As an interlocutor will all countries of the world, and as having open channels with all countries in the world, not just our neighbourhood's, Greece aspires to become a bridge between the North and the South, the East and the West. And we will try with all our strength to be worthy of this great responsibility."

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