FM Gerapetritis: Need for fair distribution of migration responsibilities -

FM Gerapetritis: Need for fair distribution of migration responsibilities

Γιώργος Γεραπετρίτης
Γιώργος Γεραπετρίτης/ apimages

Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis, in joint statements with his French counterpart Stéphane Séjourné during his visit to Athens, emphasized the need for a fair distribution of responsibilities in migration under the Pact on Migration and Asylum.

Gerapetritis stressed the importance of addressing the external aspects of migration and coordinating efforts to combat smuggling networks exploiting people's needs and suffering. He also congratulated Séjourné, who has been proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron as France's European Commissioner candidate.


Gerapetritis praised France for hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games and expressed Greece's gratitude for the prominent tribute to the ancient Greek spirit during the closing ceremony.

He highlighted the close cooperation between Greece and France at various levels, including as EU partners, NATO allies and in bilateral relations. Gerapetritis also noted France's support for Greece's bid for the UN Security Council.

Regarding migration, Gerapetritis and Séjourné discussed their coordinated actions and addressed the situation in the Middle East, emphasizing the urgent need for a ceasefire to halt humanitarian destruction and prevent the spread of hostilities.

Gerapetritis reiterated the mandatory nature of the Prespa Agreement, underscoring its binding obligations. On bilateral relations, he highlighted opportunities to strengthen economic, trade, energy and investment cooperation. He also noted enhanced cultural collaboration within the International Organization of La Francophonie.


Séjourné underscored the necessity of maintaining French-Greek cooperation. He thanked Greece for its contribution to Olympic security and congratulated Greek athletes on their medals. Séjourné also highlighted the strengthened military ties, including the supply of Rafale aircraft and Belharra frigates to Greece.

He emphasized the joint contribution to European defence and security and the continued collaboration to enhance Europe’s strategic autonomy. Séjourné noted the close cooperation in civil protection with France sending 180 firefighters, 55 vehicles and one firefighting helicopter to Greece as part of RescEU.

Séjourné expressed full solidarity with those affected by the recent fires and acknowledged Greece’s support during the 2022 fires in southwestern France. On migration, he stressed the importance of implementing the European Pact on Asylum and Migration, emphasizing the need for uniform treatment across Europe.

Additionally, he congratulated Greece on its election to the UN Security Council and expressed confidence that the French-Greek partnership will positively impact climate, security, women's issues, peace and child protection in conflict zones.

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