FM Gerapetritis: We stand at a significant crossroads in Greek-Turkish relations -

FM Gerapetritis: We stand at a significant crossroads in Greek-Turkish relations

Ο Γιώργος Γεραπετρίτης
George Gerapetritis /Credits: intimenews

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis in an interview with ERT's First Program emphasized that Greece stands at a significant crossroads in its relations with Türkiye.

He noted that periods of calm are not always guaranteed, recalling that there have been significant tensions with Türkiye in the recent past.

Gerapetritis explained that he and his Turkish counterpart have been tasked with exploring whether a common framework can be established to advance discussions regarding the delimitation of continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zones. He highlighted that 64 rounds of exploratory talks have previously taken place without yielding expected results, suggesting they may have set Greece back from its initial position. He stressed that a strong political will is essential to establish a common stance before addressing technical and legal aspects of the delimitation.

Regarding the issue of territorial waters, Gerapetritis stated it is solely a matter of Greek sovereignty, reiterating that Greece retains the right to extend its territorial waters up to 12 nautical miles, as per international law. He remarked, "We must exhaust every possibility while safeguarding our national interests.

"He added that referring the matter to The Hague would be a final step, contingent upon both countries reaching an agreement on the extent of the dispute presented before the International Court. Additionally, he expressed satisfaction with the resumption of direct talks concerning the Cyprus issue.

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