FM Gerapetritis: Concessions from the rule of law and civil liberties cannot be tolerated -

FM Gerapetritis: Concessions from the rule of law and civil liberties cannot be tolerated

Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis
Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis / EUROKINISSI

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis in joint statements with Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon after their meeting in Ljubljana underlined that the two countries echo the voice of the EU in the UN Security Council. He stressed that it is particularly important at this time for the two countries to be united.


Gerapetritis said that both countries are members of the UN Security Council and NATO allies, sharing common values, principles and challenges. He noted that Greece looks forward to further strengthening the coordination between Athens and Ljubljana for the upcoming Greek Presidency of the UN Security Council in May.

Fajon, for her part, pointed out that the two countries share a similar way of thinking, a common Mediterranean identity and cooperate in various organizations such as the UN Security Council and EU Med9.

Referring to the Cyprus issue, Gerapetritis stressed that Greece believes in the continuation of the discussions. "We believe that the UN framework is the foundation to move forward to the resolution of the Cyprus problem which will lead to the reunification of the island,’ he said.

For her part, Fayon noted that Slovenia is committed to efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem in line with UN resolutions.


During the meeting, Gerapetritis and Fayon discussed the strengthening of economic cooperation between Athens and Ljubljana in the fields of energy, innovation and science, trade, energy and investment. Regarding tourism, Fajon noted that Greece is the second favorite destination for tourists from her country. The direct flight from Ljubljana to Athens is a step in the right direction, she said. She also noted that Greece is the second favourite destination of Slovenians. "The second best position is not enough, but we will work to reach the top," Gerapetritis replied.

Regarding the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), Gerapetritis stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation, noting that Greece became its 13th member in 2023. "It is important that the Aegean becomes the fourth sea in the whole project that unites many countries," he said.

Regarding EU foreign policy and enlargement, which are priorities of the Slovenian Presidency, Gerapetritis stressed that 22 years have passed since the Thessaloniki agenda, which set the framework for the integration of the Western Balkans. "I think we need to take appropriate and strong action to accelerate the process obviously on the basis of the European acquis within the framework of the European acquis, international law and the principle of equal merit. But we need to speed up the process," he said, adding: ‘Enlargement is crucial for Europe, we need an inclusive Europe and the bigger Europe is, the stronger it becomes.’

For her part, Fajon said that Slovenia is closely following developments in North Macedonia and Serbia and stressed that it is important for the Western Balkans to continue on the European path.


Regarding the EU's defence autonomy, Gerapetritis pointed out that it is important to make it autonomous and self-sufficient. Referring to the EU's White Paper on defence, Fajon pointed out that any transfer of European funds meant for cohesion to defence "could prove problematic". We need to do more and faster to make Europe self-sufficient, she said.

Referring to the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Middle East, Gerapetritis said they had shaken the whole world. In particular, on Ukraine, he said that "we have some positive news from both sides, but also some negative news. The ceasefire seems to be insufficient. We need to form a mentality of peace and prosperity".

While on the Middle East, Gerapetritis stressed: "We call for the ceasefire to be respected. The hostages must be released. And humanitarian aid in Gaza should flow unhindered. We are working together to ensure that this aid reaches those who need it."

In response to a journalist's question following statements on the events in Turkey, Gerapetritis said: "Concessions from the rule of law and civil liberties cannot be tolerated. Persuasive answers are required for every alleged violation of these freedoms."

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