FM Dendias: Albania has chosen the EU way, but must also choose to serve the its narrative -

FM Dendias: Albania has chosen the EU way, but must also choose to serve the its narrative

Με την Αλβανίδα ομόλογό του συναντήθηκε στα Τίρανα ο Ελληνας υπουργός Εξωτερικών Νίκος Δένδιας.
Με την Αλβανίδα ομόλογό του συναντήθηκε στα Τίρανα ο Ελληνας υπουργός Εξωτερικών Νίκος Δένδιας.

Albania has made a key choice: to become a member of the European Union, Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias said after concluding his visit to the country on Wednesday.

"It (has chosen) to do what is self-evident: to place itself at the hard core of the European family," the FM told the press, "and we Greeks believe that is where it belongs."

However, he continued, this means the country has to decide on "a series of parameters" that serve the basic EU narrative. "Greece does not have a problem with Turkiye itself, or with Albania's collaboration with Turkiye, but it does have a great problem with Turkish revisionism, as with any revisionism. Therefore, any parameter must first serve the European idea, and then it must not allow the expression of revisionisms in the region," he explained.

The Greek FM said that during his meetings in Tirana, both sides had the opportunity to analyse the situation in the Western Balkans, the problems in northern Kosovo, and bilateral relations as well.

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