Ferry Captain Released Pending Trial After Andros Incident - iefimerida.gr

Ferry Captain Released Pending Trial After Andros Incident


The captain of the passenger ferry "SAONISOS," who faced accusations of endangering transportation safety at the port of Andros, has been released following his testimony at the Syros prosecutor's office.

A court date has been set for his trial.

The incident that led to his arrest took place Thursday night during boarding at Gavrio port on the island of Andros.

Severe weather conditions, including strong waves, caused the ferry's ramp to lift unexpectedly, damaging a car as it attempted to board. The car was left stranded on the dock. Citing safety concerns due to the deteriorating weather, the captain decided to halt boarding and leave the port.

The driver of the damaged vehicle filed a complaint with the Andros Port Authority against the captain and any other parties found responsible.

Both the Ministry of Shipping and the ferry's owning company have launched investigations into the incident. The company has also announced the dismissal of the captain and the temporary suspension of the ferry's services.

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