Exploratory Hydrocarbon Drilling Expected in Greece This Year - iefimerida.gr

Exploratory Hydrocarbon Drilling Expected in Greece This Year

Η Αλεξάνδρα Σδούκου
Αλεξάνδρα Σδούκου / Φωτογραφία: Intime

Greece expects the first exploratory hydrocarbon drilling this year, most likely off Crete, according to Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Alexandra Sdoukou.

Speaking at the 14th Athens Energy Summit, Sdoukou said the drilling will provide an initial assessment of potential hydrocarbon deposits.
“We are at a critical point in time, awaiting the final investment decisions from the companies,” she emphasized.

Sdoukou described the interest of American companies Chevron and ExxonMobil, which are exploring in Greece, as strategically important.
She said Greece has worked to overcome challenges and accelerate the process, implementing an ambitious energy policy and building partnerships.
“As a country, we no longer passively observe European developments—we actively help shape them,” she added.

Sdoukou stressed the importance of natural gas as a bridge fuel in the transition to green energy and said that a potential Trump presidency would not affect Greece’s energy policy.

“We will continue to do our job. We have many opportunities ahead of us,” she said.
Last October, ExxonMobil decided to proceed with the second phase of hydrocarbon exploration in the “Southwest of Crete” offshore concession.5 The company's decision to move closer to the hydrocarbon-rich structures of the southeastern Mediterranean signals its interest in the first exploratory drilling.

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