Ex-British Museum director proposes compromise solution for Parthenon Marbles - iefimerida.gr

Ex-British Museum director proposes compromise solution for Parthenon Marbles

Parthenon Marbles
Parthenon Marbles / INTIME NEWS

Sir Mark Jones, the former interim director of the British Museum, has proposed a shared ownership agreement for the Parthenon Marbles between the UK and Greece.

In a Sunday Times interview, Mr. Jones highlighted the museum's deteriorating infrastructure and need for funding, suggesting that a partnership over the disputed artefacts could provide a sustainable financial solution.


The former director emphasised the need for a "sustainable system financed by charging foreign visitors" to support the museum's maintenance and potential collaboration with Greece.

The British Museum is reportedly facing a renovation estimated to cost between 400-500 million British pounds. Last year, the museum secured a 58.92 million euro deal with BP for site maintenance, but additional funding is required for the extensive renovations.

The Parthenon Marbles have been a source of contention between Greece and the UK for decades. Greece maintains that the sculptures, removed from the Parthenon in the early 19th century, should be returned to their original home.

The British Museum, however, argues that the marbles are part of a global cultural heritage and should remain in London.

Jones's proposal offers a potential compromise, allowing both countries to benefit from the shared ownership and display of the iconic artifacts. However, the proposal remains controversial, and its implementation would require complex negotiations between the two governments and the respective cultural institutions.

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