EP President Metsola congratulates Tassoulas on election as President of the Hellenic Republic - iefimerida.gr

EP President Metsola congratulates Tassoulas on election as President of the Hellenic Republic

Ρομπέρτα Μετσόλα
Η Ρομπέρτα Μετσόλα © AP Photo/Omar Havana, file

The President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, in a post on X, congratulates in Greek the new President of the Republic Constantine Tassoulas, on his election.

"Congratulations to Constantine Tassoulas on his election to the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic. Thank you for our excellent cooperation so far from the position of President of the Hellenic Parliament. I look forward to its continuation through your new role," Metsola said.

The post is accompanied by a joint photo from an earlier meeting.

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