ELSTAT: Unemployment rate in Greece at 12.8 pct in February - iefimerida.gr

ELSTAT: Unemployment rate in Greece at 12.8 pct in February

Εκσυγχρονίζονται οι έλεγχοι της ΑΑΔΕ
Φωτογραφία αρχείου: Alexandros Michailidis / SOOC

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Greece was 12.8 pct in February 2022, down from 16.1 pct in February 2021 and the upwardly revised rate of 12.9 pct in January 2022, the Greek statistics agency ELSTAT announced in the February Labour Force Survey on Wednesday.

The number of unemployed persons in February amounted to 603,025, decreasing by 99,441 persons as compared with February 2021 (-14.2%) and increased by 7,428 persons compared with January 2022 (+1.2%).

The unemployment rate for women was 16.1 pct, from 19.7 pct in February 2021, while that for men was 10.1 pct, from 13.3 pct in February 2021.

The number of employed persons amounted to 4,118,939 persons increasing by 455,115 persons as compared with February 2021 (+12.4%) and by 112,391 persons compared with January 2022 (+2.8%).

The number of persons outside the labour force, i.e., persons under the age of 75 that are neither working nor looking for a job, amounted to 3,120,148, decreasing by 387,995 persons as compared with February 2021 (-11.1%) and by 122,526 persons compared with January 2022 (-3.8%).

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