The Ellinikon Experience Center opens to the public with glimpses into smart city living -

The Ellinikon Experience Center opens to the public with glimpses into smart city living

Ellinikon Experience Center
Ellinikon Experience Center

"The Ellinikon Experience Center" opened at the Ellinikon Park, a new urban park south of Athens, stretching over 7 hectares (70 stremmas) on the former airport that will change the coastal profile.

Housed in three Air Force hangars which are protected as modern Greek history monuments and funded by Lamda Development, the Center offers visitors a glimpse into a viable, smart and innovative city involving the Ellinikon contruction project, the largest urban renovation project of Europe that will include apartment buildings, malls, and the park.

The Center will also show how technology will be used to turn housing in the park into "smart" homes.

The park is very near the "Elliniko" stop of the Metro and accessible by car through Vouliagmenis Avenue. Entrance is free with pre-registration and open from 10:00 to 21:00 on a daily basis.

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