Eleven Romanian workers hospitalized with symptoms of food poisoning in northern Greece - iefimerida.gr

Eleven Romanian workers hospitalized with symptoms of food poisoning in northern Greece

Φωτογραφία αρχείου: Eurokinissi

Eleven foreign workers who worked at Mt Athos monastic community were transported to two hospitals in northern Greece after showing signs of food poisoning (vomiting, dehydration), possibly from wild mushrooms, on Wednesday.

The emergency ambulance service EKAV was informed shortly after 1:00 pm of the event and picked them up at Ouranoupolis.

According to information, the 11 are Romanian seasonal workers at monasteries of Mt Athos. Seven were transported to the Papageorgiou Hospital in Thessaloniki, and their condition is stable but they will remain hospitalized for observation. The rest were transported to the Polygyros Hospital.

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