Edouard Hue and his Beaver Dam Company to open Athens & Epidaurus Festival dance program - iefimerida.gr

Edouard Hue and his Beaver Dam Company to open Athens & Epidaurus Festival dance program

Με τον Edouard Hue και την ομάδα του Beaver Dam Company θα ανοίξει ο κύκλος του Χορού στο φετινό Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών και Επιδαύρου
Με τον Edouard Hue και την ομάδα του Beaver Dam Company θα ανοίξει ο κύκλος του Χορού στο φετινό Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών και Επιδαύρου

The annual Athens & Epidaurus Festival dance program will open with performances by choreographer Edouard Hue and his Beaver Dam Company on June 1 and 2.

The performance of "All I need" will be held at Space H (Eeta) at 260 Pireos Street and discussion with the public and Hue and his dancers will follow the performance on June 1.


Hue, born in 1991, started in dance with hip hop, then joined the Conservatoire Regional d' Annecy in France and the Ballet Junior de Geneve in Switzerland. He has danced with outstanding choreographers before becoming one himself. Beaver Dam, a Franco-Swiss company, was founded in 2014. Hue was recognized by Switzerland in 2019 with the dance distinction of "Danseur Exceptionnel".

In a description on the theme of "All I need", the company's site says the following: "The phrase, far from being new, nevertheless takes on its full meaning in our recent news, where profitability dominates, where extremist and nationalist parties are gaining momentum, where society promotes competition for personal power. Is it possible to change direction before the irremediable tear of the community? This is the question (...)."

Online sales of tickets have begun and prices range from 5 euros to 30 euros.

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