Economou: Tsipras owes an explanation over revelations in Kalogritsas-Pappas case -

Economou: Tsipras owes an explanation over revelations in Kalogritsas-Pappas case

Νίκος Παππάς και Χρήστος Καλογρίτσας
Νίκος Παππάς και Χρήστος Καλογρίτσας / Φωτογραφία αρχείου: INTIMENEWS

Government spokesperson Yiannis Economou on Friday commented on the revelations made by a former secretary of Christos Kalogritsas in her testimony to a Special Court regarding transfers of money between Kalogritsas and the main opposition SYRIZA MP and former minister Nikos Pappas, as well as one Artemis Artemiou.

These raised "insistent questions" and main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras "owes clear answers to the Greek people…for all the things that for years he hypocritically denied had taken place," Economou added.

"Did Mr. Tsipras know about the activities of his closest and oldest associate, Mr. Pappas? Why does he continue to support him and cover for him politically? How many bags and with what sums ended up in SYRIZA's coffers?" the spokesperson asked.

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